If anything annoys its because of Crotter,EU or other-rules, we try to avoid and bypass where possible within THEIR LAW so there shouldnt be too many poppers.
made on 4K with total disregard for how its done
this site has one session cookie that,unless logged in, holds nothing but the session id and will disappear by itself after the standard period. there is no third party tracking anywhere on the whole main or subsites. Standard there is no logging of any kind except server logs which are somewhat unavoidable by pure technical default. Anyone who wants cookies set and/or any data retained will have to actively choose so after logging in on their registered account.
AlleyCat out
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presents :
Tyrnannoght +4


GLOBAL REGISTERlogin/registration disabled 64kilobaud spideroptics
dial 1-800-TYRNANNOGHT for free .NFO in early access, chat directly with your little sister, only €120 for early adopters

Global Updates
    2024/09/08 06:54:35
    no idea what happened to the topleft ownstuff frame but dont care much unless Elon sends us that billion, will check it next website day
    Syntax Error

while we are raising a quick 100 million this is all the budget could achieve .. its on a see-where-it-goes-basis . We are not liable for anything you might or might not do. By visiting this site you accept the right to your sisters panties. By using this site you also acknowledge that you understand the difference between a confirmation code to enter and a phishing attempt at your steem keys or passwords. If you don't then please leave the planet we dont want that again
 |        \  /         |
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      (eek - pre - tag - doe -snt -wan -nah)

All rights reserved 1101 - 2250 / AlleyCat / ZeroDesign / Syntax Error
any subsequent braindamage will not be held responsible for me ...

Site by : ZeroDesign (c) alleycat 1973-2017-2150 , design by : ZeroBootstrap (c) alleycat 1973-2017-2150 , concept by : ZeroWordPress (c) alleycat 1973-2017-2150
If you find a cookie on the floor dont eat it. I havent read the 500 page subsection on the EU directives on php sessions but nothing is tracking anything, its internal mechanics - if you dont trust it then dont come here :) thats easy, right ?