Janes Birdie ScreenerS BloggertjeBlog

    No one here you used to know ...

    brainfleece infection by the age of 0.5, final destination 20 began, murdered by your world by 1 probably

    murdered by the age of 3, sigmunds best friends told me often (de poes kan ik wel nog verstaan trouwens, ill never make het testament op van mijn jeugd the kids a ghost

    Historical preservation : 1979
    murdered by the age of 8, at first day of kindergarten turned around and said : "IM NOT GOING INTHERE" took them two weeks ... at 8 : "to the big school" ... wasnt THAT big after the next one but the kid already understood : schools are not for learning , they're for molding. Growing up is a trap, if you do it JUST ONCE you can never grow down, but they will kill you if you dont ... if not physically then certainly mentally.

    Historical preservation : 1980
    murdered by the age of 8, "1980" DE groendal , killroy was here, you could see everyones garden back then there was even LESS privacy ...

    Historical preservation : 1981
    murdered by the age of 8, "1981" say hello to my little friends, when monopoly was a boardgame and no one understood what the word meant ? hmmm

    no timestamps to the kid you killed
    murdered by the age of ... before 6(?), grandma is still sitting up so the kid would be pretty young there - i have SO many examples of how you dont die gracefully growing old at early age the kid understood its all a lie, dopamine the boy learned later watching long haired hippie with a beard on youtube

    Not all fotos i dig up here have the date written on them and time is something i dont do well. Also if theres anyone here who feels like the fotos compromise them ill put a black bar over your face just mailto vanger@janesondergrond.art - however usually anyone below the age of 9 is still kawai, i dont think that should be a problem I think ill try to make it into a "3 pics per section" picked from a random the more i find, and if i REALLY feel like spending time on a page thats hidden behind pages (but i noticed its where stalkers come looking for something to slander, as you can see : no lack of huggies to make Joe a dull psychopath, something else must have caused the shredding into the shards of JoG ...) maybe i try do some dynamic loading like you would a swipe on a phone b/c otherwise the page is gonna be way too heavy. (yea, call it professional ethics then , ofcourse i dont have those, how could i ... ha ha) We are all in Janes Ondergrond now, for every time you tried to slice the piece of Jane you wanted and found out
    you cant have Jane unless you take the ondergrond that comes with it, the dimension YOU created ...
    done with bloggertje blog, you can guess what im thinking instead and you can guess who i am when i wake up in the morning but for all the pictures ill still find and scan
    none of THOSE live here anymore except as a ghost deep down under - you missed the last 25 years too, i can hear that by the 3rd hand information i hear about me ... and its US now, not a doompatrol metafor.
    think what you will, the world wont last another 50 years anyway so i hope you dont have children ... the kid didnt want for huggies, thats one thing ... never without it tho mostly
    ... maybe THEY shoulda just aborted and taken a dog ... :) no offense, VERY few humans are fit to be breeding , just look around gat here , you see enough proof of that