We kept the original page mostly , if the sound doesnt play you might need to click the phaser-div (canvas) or else have to allow the site to play audio ... if thats too much we totally understand
'As far as issues go : we heart phaser and Davey is a grandmaster coder but browsers is crud - and programming for all browsers is crudder - this is known to work on Firefox for linux Mint mint-001 1.0 109.01 64 bit,Version 110.0.5481.77 (Official Build) (64-bit), and previous versions, but not at all resolution/OS combinations, we never test on phones ... it SHOULD in Edge but we've seen configurations where it doesnt completely and most likely in the newer versions you will need to allow sound or there will be no sound. All mostly reasons to not use browserframes since we dont feel we should be debugging their stuff and get limited by their rules and ask everyone with 20 popups to first change 20 settings so the sound will play et al... no idea why everyone accomodates crotter and builds pages that hold code for 5 browsers on 2 or 3 operating systems ... but HEY, its your choice :)';

"Fair Tribute" :

"well yea ... after the original flt intro (if you know it then you see it) all respect, no piting intended but we didnt xept for the sample from the druid sid chiptune which FLT also didnt actually compose afawk and which is slightly recognizable in the rythm after working over by his MrMalice-ness"
there should be a video too on janesondergrond youtube feed and/or linked to from the demozoo pages :: (Janes OnderGrond ... )
the smaller your screen the bigger the demo in this case - ... if you have any kind of retromachine you understand why so many program-philes stick to it :-)
in de hoop u hiermee voldoende te hebben geinformeerd ...
it seems like firefox ESR also doesnt display the text objects right - we suggest chrome or edge to view this, as its phaser we dont feel any obligation to make 10 versions to fit any iVersion in the world. created : 2021
last edit : feb 2023 (version to link at demozoo / Janes Ondergrond)
known issues since here : depending on OS, device and browser ... theres nothing wrong with the code but every update of any browser or OS potentially cripples something that was programmmed last week and so theres no lul in it ... sadly
  1. WebGl telling us to stop since its full just makes it almost feel nostalgic, so the string limit is not the limit. YOU KNOW YOU CANT FIT EVERYONE in an introscroller ... "den" Bert , Tbone , #germaine, iNCH, "den" Deef, "den" Dimi, "GOD" (not the guy in the sky ... its an im always winning your games thing), Hans (the only NEO-GEO in belgium?), Free "idontwanaworkforblizzard its too far from home" ... enzooooo ... not that it matters much since i doubt anyone will read and were definitely not looking for a reunion with all that happened in between. If that ever happens ul receive an invitation from my bunker in Mongolia. It looks like that wont happen. Since according to jeffminter-theory "if you can imagine it you can program it" i assume its possible to fit two texts in two alternating objects, or do something REALLY complicated thats actually a real scroller (lmao) and feed it by the letter i suppose more will be for V0.02, for now the rest of the day is cleaning, dishes, trimming da hedge without a fund and some light coding on Sjebap login system (me lujek) V0.0 1.5fac mandatory - first one to say Jobs i will carve "STEVE WAS A HIPPIE WHO DIDNT SHOWER AND STILL GOT A JOB AT ATARI" in their forehead, your 25 years late mate, unles we can fix ourselves ... so, do you have the 200 million ? yea didnt think so, gud :) bye
  2. is this thing suddenly rendering the text in the right place in VuurVos ? skipped dimensions again ? got the font thing right, another syntax error that doesnt throw an error, there must be 20 levels between the machine and javascript running in the virtual machine that is a browser running on the layer specified by the os running on the machine - kinda surprised if i had my "d20" moment to see what shall we do today and found out nASM is actually coding to the operating system, not the machine, but it made sense ofcourse, its hard to find 2 pcs alike - look at cyberpunk game thats a console and they still couldnt get it right-in-one with all the millions they had
  3. u huh, font ... colorcycling text at bottom , its not a copy its a lol and a tribute and it beats villa politica ... every single time, if you were not "there", "there", "there" or "there" i always wonder what the hell you would have to say about "my" life before i cracked ... broke foobar and turned into we , royal plural ... dafuk do you know ? even all the pepz listed here wouldnt know even half now.
  4. "HERE , we pushed the absolute limit of the virtual machine, adding just ONE more letter made it refuse to co-operate ... " what demo was that again with the polygons? lol
any subsequent braindamage will not be held responsible for me ...

Site by : ZeroDesign (c) alleycat 1973-2017-2150 , design by : ZeroBootstrap (c) alleycat 1973-2017-2150 , concept by : ZeroWordPress (c) alleycat 1973-2017-2150